Job Posting- Dallas UDA
Lain, Brian
2009-12-04 21:47:54 UTC
Apologies for cross-posting. Please distribute.

Executive Director Job Description


The Dallas Urban Debate Alliance will hire a new Executive Director to assume office in the summer of 2010. The Dallas Urban Debate Alliance (Dallas UDA) is part of the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues (NAUDL). The Alliance is seeking an individual with an appreciation for the educational value of competitive debating, a strong organizational skills set, experience as a competitor or coach in policy debate, an ability to effectively advocate for the Alliance in a large urban school bureaucracy, and a good sense of humor.

The Dallas UDA has grown significantly in the first few years of its existence and Alliance teams have competed successfully in the Chase Urban Debate National Championship and in local and regional tournaments outside of the UDL. The Alliance's current director is leaving the post after three successful years in order to attend law school. The Alliance is governed by an Advisory Board comprised of former high school and college debaters, attorneys, business executives, and educators, all of whom are deeply committed to the success of the league.


* B.A. degree or higher.
* Strong interpersonal skills, negotiation skills, and ability to work collaboratively.
* Excellent written and oral communications skills.
* Experience in urban education - non-profit, administrative, or classroom - is a plus.
* Experience in current high school or college policy debate is a strong plus.
* Maturity, judgment, and communication necessary to effectively work with, train, and support urban educators.
* Willingness to work evenings/weekends - total working hours will be 40-50, but hours will not always be "9 to 5."
* High degree of determination, innovation, initiative, and persistence.
* Skills necessary to run debate tournaments, trainings, and site visits to high schools.
* Administrative and organizational skills necessary to attend to the business needs of an educational nonprofit organization.
* A demonstrated record of performing high-caliber work independent of daily supervision.
* Willingness and ability to be trained in the NAUDL model for urban debate leagues and capacity for adapting said model to local needs, under the direction of the Dallas Advisory Board.
* Ownership of a vehicle or willingness to ride public transportation to high schools and other sites.

Job Description:

The Dallas Urban Debate League Executive Director will be the principal programmatic and administrative agent of the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance, acting under the direction of the Dallas Advisory Board. The primary responsibilities of the Executive Director are to (a) train and support the Dallas UDA coaches, (b) maintain and increase participation levels at member schools, (c) seed new programs at high schools not yet participating in the Dallas UDA, (d) administer all Dallas UDA events professionally and efficiently, (e) track program inputs and outputs, (f) assist the Advisory Board in preparing for meetings and meeting all business needs of the organization, and (g) execute the Dallas UDA Advisory Board's policies, goals, and directives in running the Dallas UDA on a day to day basis.

The Dallas UDL Executive Director will:

* Serve as the chief administrator of the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance. The Executive Director will be primarily responsible for effecting two core programmatic objectives: significantly increasing student participation in the league each year, and significantly strengthening the relationship between the Dallas Independent School District and the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance.
* Serve as liaison between the Dallas Advisory Board and all of the following: (i) Dallas UDA coaches, (ii) NAUDL in Chicago, (iii) DISD personnel (including high school principals), (iv) key donors (including prospective donors), and (v) outside vendors and contractors who provide needed services to the Dallas UDA, such as public accountants, PR consultants, caterers, and printers.
* Plan, coordinate, staff and implement coach, student, and judge training workshops.
* Promote and effect high attendance at trainings, and track participation of students and Alliance coaches.
* Regularly visit individual schools, providing necessary training and support to both students and coaches.
* Provide on-going training, assistance, and support to UDA Coaches through phone, email, and in-person meetings.
* Establish operational procedures for UDA Tournaments: Announcements, Registration, Tab Room, Judge Table, Awards Ceremony, etc.
* Schedule, promote, arrange, and direct six Dallas UDA tournaments annually.
* Chaperone Dallas UDA qualifiers to the Chase Urban Debate National Championship, typically held in April of each year, in Chicago.
* Regularly report to and work cooperatively with the Dallas Independent School District (DISD); meet by phone or in-person with appropriate DISD Administrators, as needed.
* Negotiate the annual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the DISD - in close coordination with the Dallas Advisory Board.
* Implement (and improve) the organization's public relations strategy. Publicize our successes, with the goal of permanently "planting" the Dallas UDA into the Dallas community, so that all individuals whose cooperation we need in order to succeed - e.g., DISD administrators, donors, coaches, principals, students, and their parents - feel rewarded for supporting us.
* Coordinate, improve, and regularly update the Dallas UDA web page.
* Represent the Dallas UDA Advisory Board at community, school system, development, business, and civic meetings and events.
* Plan and coordinate the annual Dallas UDA Awards Dinner, typically held in conjunction with the annual Dallas City Championship tournament.
* Keep the records necessary to track, monitor, and assess the programming inputs - i.e., student participants, teacher involvement, contact/training hours, debate programming - and outputs - i.e., graduation rates, college matriculation, grade-point average, standardized test scores, attendance, specific performance assessments, etc.
* Report regularly to, meet with, and take direction from the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance Advisory Board.
* Maintain all financial records of the Dallas UDL, make regular financial reports to the Board.
* Handle compliance with third party officials, so that nonprofit status and any needed certifications are kept up.

Additional Information

Compensation will be commensurate with experience. Candidates must currently live in, or be willing to relocate to, the Dallas area. Candidates who pass an initial screening process will be interviewed in person by the Dallas UDA Advisory Board, with support from the NAUDL.

It is the policy of the Dallas UDA Advisory Board to provide employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender (sex) as required by law.

Submit one copy of your CV and a cover letter by January 19, 2010 to both:

Craig Budner
Dallas UDA Advisory Board
1717 Main Street, Suite 2800
Dallas, TX 75201
Craig.Budner-***@public.gmane.org Scott Deatherage
Executive Director
332 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60604

Please be sure to send your application materials to both of these individuals. Applica¬tions may be emailed or mailed, but not faxed. Please do not phone regarding this position. Questions may be sent to ***@klgates.com.